

I think there should be a new crayon color called “Turnip”.  Isn’t that a beautiful color?  Five years ago I wouldn’t have “touched a turnip with a 10-foot pole”, but now I look forward to pulling the first ones out of the ground.  I have a new recipe, that’s why!  I never understood how anyone could eat a boiled turnip (and  I still don’t like them) but I was taught a new way to fix them:

Fried Turnips

Peel the turnips and slice them about 1/4″ thick, maybe just a shade thinner, moisten them with water, then bread them with dry pancake mix (you can use flour if you want).  Fry them in hot oil until they are browned and tender.  Dip them in honey mustard or that really hot Chinese mustard.  They are wonderful appetizers; it’s just hard to quit eating them to save room for supper!

I did roast some turnips the other night with small potatoes, cubed sweet potatoes, an onion, and several cloves of garlic, all coated with a couple of  “glogs” of olive oil, sea salt, and pepper.  (A glog is one of the squirts that comes out when you shake the olive oil bottle).   Roast them for 10-15 minutes then roll them around and cook until tender.  After I started eating I realized I should have added carrots….oh well, it was still yummy!