Broccoli Salad

broccoli salad

Fall veggies are almost a pleasant memory.  There are a few stray heads of broccoli and cabbage still trickling into the kitchen, but they are about to succumb to freezing weather.  A couple of small heads of broccoli were scavenged from the garden a day or so ago, and I have a wonderful recipe for broccoli salad that any broccoli lover has to try!

Broccoli Salad

In the bowl on the left I mixed about 4 cups of washed broccoli broken up into pretty small florets, about 2 tablespoons of bacon bits, 1/2 cup chopped onion, and 8 ounces of cheddar cheese, cut into small chunks (less than 1/2″)

In a large measuring cup I put 1 cup mayo, 2 tablespoons white vinegar, 1/4 cup sugar, and salt and pepper to taste.  Mix this all together to make a dressing.

Pour the dressing over the vegetables and toss well.  Put in the frig for at least 1-2 hours, better overnight.  Try not to eat it all at once!