Have you fed your birds today?


Many gardeners share the same passion I do–birdwatching.  I love to take note of all the different birds that come and go during the different seasons of the year.  During the summer I move the bird feeders down to the garden area where I work all the time.  This also attracts them closer “to the battlefield” to help me control bugs in the gardens.  In the winter I move the feeders back to the backyard again where I can watch them eat from the warmth of my house.  It’s very cold here and I daresay it would be darn near impossible for a bird to get a seed loose from the frozen ground, so once you start feeding them, gotta keep it up!

One day last summer I went to the garden and noticed something strange about one of the feeders–it looked really full for some reason.  Upon closer inspection I found a pretty long snake all curled up inside the feeder.  Just another one of the “Wild Things” on the farm!  I took the feeder down, opened the top, and sent him on his way (I say him, I don’t know if it was a boy or a girl).