The Best Salads

Ok, so I’m a kitchen tool junkie.  I love anything to do with cooking and kitchen, whether old or new.  I’ve owned a wide assortment of kitchen tools from my favorite Kitchen Aid stand mixer to a Mr. Bacon Cooker (which I hated). 

One gadget that I had not procured until recently was a salad spinner.  I used to laugh at them and think they were frivolous until I began CSA farming.  A big majority of the crops that are delivered early in the season consist of lettuce, spinach, and other salad greens.  One of the most important parts of making a good salad is having dry greens to comprise the salad mixture so the dressing will stick to the greens.  Enter salad spinner!

My sisters and I went on a “sisters day out” a couple of months ago and one of the main attractions of our shopping was to secure the very best deal in a salad spinner.  I had tried paper towels, dish towels, letting it drain in a colander, but nothing works as great as a salad spinner.  Trust me, it’s not a frivolous purchase if you like good salads. 

Anyway, we went to TJ Maxx and checked out the salad spinners.  They ranged in price from $7.99 to over $20.  I decided on a model that cost $9.99.

You simply wash your greens, place them in the colander part of the spinner, put the lid on, and push the red knob like spinning a top (I keep waiting for the whirring noise like a really cool top I had growing up).  After a few spins, check the greens, and oh my, are they fluffy and dry!  It’s a miracle…..go get one now.  It’s the basic ingredient for a great salad.