My favorite color today is black

I find the question “What’s your favorite color” very hard to answer.  I like all colors–it just depends on what the color is on.  Today I like black–the glossy black of yummy blackberries!

There is a patch of thornless blackberries on the farm, planted about 3 years ago.  I harvested a few berries for the on-farm pickup members last Friday, but today I picked almost a gallon of the sweet fruits for Tuesday’s share boxes.  The coffee containers like the one pictured are really handy to strap a belt through the handle, hook it around your waist, and voila!  Hands free picking 🙂

I posted a really good recipe for Blackberry Crisp last year.  It’s called “Blackberry Time in Tennessee”.  It’s easy and delicious, especially with vanilla ice cream.  Click on recipes and you’ll find it.