Ground Cherries

Each year several new crops are trialed on the farm and this year one of those crops was ground cherries, aka cape gooseberries or poha.  I’m assuming the poha name is native American in origin.

The CSA members have gotten a small helping in their shares for the last couple of weeks and with the exception of one member, everyone seems to like them.  The true test of this crop’s acceptance was at the Farmer’s Market on Wednesday.  To say the least, I spent a lot of time explaining what ground cherries tasted like, how they grow, and how to eat/prepare them.  I even handed out samples.

The very first couple to show up at the table bought two containers after tasting the sample.  That made me excited–then the “damp rags” showed up.  You know, those folks who have to analyze everything.  I’d say 95% of the people that tasted them thought they were very tasty and quite unusual–then they’d walk away….huh?  A pint was only $2.00 and I’d sure pay $2.00 for something tasty and different ESPECIALLY if I had been given a sample.   There were about 10 pints to start with and I came home with 3, so it wasn’t a complete bust AND they will keep–that’s a good thing!

I haven’t figured out what’s not to love about them:

  • They come in their own little wrapper, just like a Hershey’s kiss, so no washing required.
  • They are really sweet and nutritious too.
  • Great on cereal.
  • Makes a great salsa….
  • They will keep for months on the countertop inside their handy-dandy wrapper

The only thing I would have to say negative about them is that they are a little tedious to harvest as they fall on the ground when they are ready—hmmmmm maybe that’s where the name comes from!