Time to light the stove

I don’t know about where you live, but this fall in Tennessee has been absolutely AMAZING!  The weather has been in the 60’s and 70’s, cool nights, rain every few days, and the colors on the trees are quite spectacular.

The cool nights bring on the woodstoves and fireplaces.  Many years ago a guy I worked with showed me how to make fire starters and I’ve been using them ever since.  Thought I’d share the handy trick with you.

Save your old candles or ones that don’t quite smell like you thought they would, and melt them down.  I use a kitchen grease container on VERY LOW heat.  A double boiler would be better, but anyway, after the wax melts, pour it into paper egg cartons, let them harden, tear them apart, and voila!  Instant fire starter.  Just set one on top of your kindling and light the paper carton and it works great.

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