WHAT are you putting in your MOUTH?!

OK, it’s that time of year, when a lot of us make new year’s resolutions and attempt to improve something about our lives.  The way I look at it is that we have “tomorrow” to improve, or “next week” to start something new–maybe “first of next month”–oh what the heck–new year’s—–“I’ll start taking control of what goes in my mouth”.

It’s a real comfort knowing where your food comes from.  I was with my best friend at the grocery store the other day and I couldn’t believe how stressful it was trying to decide which of the produce to encourage her to buy….the conventional spinach was–well, YUK!  not fresh…the organic wasn’t much better and I thanked my lucky stars that I don’t have to worry about where my produce comes from.  (If I had known she needed spinach I would have brought her some :))

Now’s the time to decide how you want to nourish your body this year–join a local CSA and know where your food comes from, go to the farmer’s market and get local produce (ask if it’s organic) or continue to paddle along with convenience foods whether frozen or canned.  It’s your choice.  Our bodies are using what we put in them to build new cells every day.  Junk in–junk out, as the old saying goes.

I went to an “open house” yesterday at the home of one of the farm members.  They had prepared salad using greens from the high tunnel and they were really excited to share that information with the guests at their party.  It was exciting to me to be eating veggies that were grown on my farm but prepared by someone else–I knew where those veggies came from.   I know everyone isn’t to that point in their consumption of food, but it’s a really good feeling, and if you can’t grow your own veggies, belonging to a CSA is a good foundation to taking control of your diet.

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