How to successfully boil and peel a farm fresh egg

I’d say everyone that has ever tried to make deviled eggs from farm fresh eggs has experienced the frustration of peeling a fresh egg.  The shell just doesn’t come off the egg in a clean manner.

This morning I wanted to make a batch of deviled eggs for snacking,   The last time I boiled eggs I had used the eggs that were cracked during the laying process–(hens are really rough on eggs)–or cracked during handling for whatever reason.  ANYWAY, I boiled the cracked eggs and they actually peeled very easily, so I told myself that the next time I needed to boil eggs I would purposely crack the shells before cooking.

I used a dozen eggs that were gathered yesterday evening.  Each egg was gently cracked against the side of the pot before placing all the eggs in cold water.  Don’t rupture the membrane, just crack the shell.  The stove eye was turned on medium high until the water began to boil, then turned down a little so the water would gently boil for 10 minutes.  After 10 minutes the hot water was drained off and cold tap water immediately filled the pot to cool the eggs down a bit.

I was simply amazed at how easy the shells came off–not one single egg was mangled during the peeling process.


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