Summer is in full swing–well, sort of

Wow, it’s amazing how fast this summer is moving!  The rain has finally slowed down, although there are still puddles here and there on the farm where it used to be dry during “normal” weather. This year kind of reminds me of a trip to Vermont that my family made back in 1990 during the middle of August.  We were camping in a tent and while I was packing for the trip it was like 90 degrees so I was packing shorts, t-shirts, bathing suits,  that sort of stuff, but I did throw in one pair of pants per person just in case.  Well, turns out that we wore the pair of pants most of the week, picked blackberries in long sleeves and the folks in Vermont hadn’t even seen a ripe tomato yet.

Hello!…..just a few days ago it was 49 degrees here and I’m picking blackberries and I can still say that there hasn’t been a peck of tomatoes harvested from the 400 plants I have planted, including the ones in the high tunnel!  It’s just been too cloudy for a tomato to get ripe.

The sunflowers are starting to open…..



I took a bunch of them to the farmer’s market last Wednesday and they were a hit!

A friend of mine dropped by for some kale and took a picture of the booth……



Most of the produce grown on the farm goes to fill the CSA shares each week, but sometimes there is extra to sell at the market, like the ever popular “Fresh Eggs from the Happy Hens”.  This particular day I was sold out of eggs before I got to the market!

The broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts plants all succumbed to the deluges that we’ve experienced this year so they’ve been removed from the garden, devoured by the chickens, and have probably already returned to the earth in the form of fertilizer.   We’re less than 10 inches away from our yearly average rainfall in this area and a lot of gardeners have given up on the season, but when one does this for a living, you can’t give up.

Fall crops are being sown both in the gardens and in flats for transplanting–what’s that saying…..”no rest for the weary?”


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