Figs in the house!

figtreewfigswebLast year I planted a Brown Turkey fig tree in the back portion of the hoop house.  It died all the way to the ground during the really cold part of winter but sprung back up when the weather warmed up.

I’ve never had any experience with fig trees, and actually have never had much experience with figs at all–except for Fig Newtons–

A few weeks ago I was in the back of the high tunnel gathering tomatoes or something and noticed figs on the tree!

As of today they are still green and hard and actually probably won’t ripen before frost.  Sunday I stopped by a friend’s house to deliver eggs and they had GORGEOUS muscadine vines, loaded with hard green muscadines.  He said this year was the first year that frost might get the fruit before it ripens……..

Global weirding at its best!


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