Hello, October!

Wow, I cannot believe it’s October already!  This season has been a really stressful one, with all the rain and clouds and non-swimmable weather, but here we are already one month into my favorite time of year.

I took a quick mini-vacation to Jammin’ at Hippie Jack’s this past weekend.  I had seen it on PBS before but had never actually thought about going to it until a few of my friends asked me to go.  The festival actually runs from Thursday night until Sunday night but being the all-consumed farmer that I am, one night away from everyone was all I could juggle.  I dug out my sleeping bag, packed a few clothes, lots of food, some vino, and took off in the Subaru veggie wagon for Crawford, Tennessee.  It sounds like a hole in the wall, and it is a hole in the wall, but it’s only an hour from my hole in the wall!

There was music, lots of music, Americana style, from mid morning till late night.  The bands were awesome, the crowd was gracious and well-mannered, and us old hippies had a blast!

Several friends were there and we jumped aboard the mini bus for a photo shoot.


There was an awesome full-sized bus that had been decorated with all kinds of glitz and glitter, and I couldn’t resist getting my photo taken beside this glorious, sparkly beast.

meatbus.webThe road into Hippie Jack’s is quite an anal retentive experience, meaning that it’s just freaking narrow!  The edge drops off into the tops of trees and there are orange barrels along the narrow parts of the road.  Look at the back of the bus in this picture…..



I don’t know if you can see it or not, but someone has written “keep away from the edge” on the back of the bus.  I thought that was hilarious!  The artists were great and I took lots of pictures but the one picture I wanted to share was of a lady who had a baby on her back–during the entire hour that she sang and played—

anyawbabywebThe little girl never made a sound and I’m surprised her head didn’t fall off….looked really uncomfortable to me, but I guess she’s used to it.

The farm lays along a river and there was an awesome swimming/bathing hole in the camping area called “Scrappy Town”.  I didn’t camp there but did wander through to check things out.  This photo is of me on the left “Farmer Terry” and “Antique Terry” on the right.  That’s what we do to keep all the Terry’s straight!


Anyway, just wanted to share one of the rare “off-farm” adventures with you.

The chickens, cats, and dogs were happy to see me–why?–oh yeah–because they were HUNGRY!



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