Merry Christmas from the farm

Winter time is somewhat slower here on the farm, but the two high tunnels are in full production with fresh greens being harvested every few weeks…..



The Happy Hens are laying just enough eggs to cover the cost of their feed…..I don’t know WHO showed them how to use a calculator



AND there are great gifts for giving to friends and loved ones!



From left to right are the locally famous “WTF” t-shirts ($25-28) all natural handmade soap made with olive, coconut, and palm oils, attractively wrapped in fabric and tied with twine (patchouli, honey-oatmeal and unscented–$3.50), all natural lip balm made with beeswax, coconut and sunflower oils (peppermint, spearmint, sweet orange, unscented $2.00), Wild Things’ Gift Certificates –a beautiful card with a picture of the Wild Things stone sign on the front–available in any amount, and the very popular, vividly brilliant tie-dyed t-shirts ($15-20).




The shirts are available in various sizes in both styles.  If you have a friend or relative that lives in or around Crossville, Fairfield Glade, or Knoxville, get them a gift certificate that’s good for one year for any veggies, eggs, or products from the farm.  These can even be used to help pay for a CSA membership 🙂



Merry Christmas, one and all!

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