Toasted veggies

One of my favorite ways to enjoy all the wonderful root veggies available this time of year is to chunk them up, put them in a big pan, and stick them in the oven.  Yesterday evening I decided that would be a good supper.  I found a nice big white potato, a yummy sweet potato, a couple of turnips, a few carrots, a bunch of garlic cloves and a beautiful purple onion.  All that was drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with sea salt and freshly ground pepper, and put in the oven.  Beside it was a small pan of cornbread.  The time on the clock was about 6:50.

I then went into the living room and sat down in the rocker that was relocated from the front porch to beside the wood stove (it has glass doors so you can see the flames) and I proceeded to relax… 8:50 I woke up and supper was an inedible mess of black chunks with a little orange here and there.  YUK!

See, I made you feel better about your cooking, now didn’t I?

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