Twas the week before Christmas

And all around the farm, the creatures were stirring….







Really looking for something to harm……did you think I was going through that whole poem?  Really……..

Today was one of those wintertime treats!  Sunny….mid 40’s at some point during the day.  It’s funny how 50, cloudy and breezy is intolerable but 33 and sunny calm is great!

One of the projects on my “to do” list for the winter is to mulch around the blackberries and blueberries and I got started on that yesterday……



I know, I know, the black leaf holders are kind of ugly, but they do keep the leaves from blowing around until they are put in their place.  I’m using layers of newspaper around the bushes then lots of leaves to keep the weeds down.  I do have lots of leaves….



I LOVE my leaves!



Each season, John, Dear (that would be my tractor) and I spread a thick layer of leaves over every inch of garden space, in the chicken pens, and wherever I want new garden ground.  I did get the orchard completely mulched last week as well—yay!



One thing I’m experimenting with this year is planting seedlings in the high tunnel throughout the winter season.  Most of the crops in high tunnels are planted in late September/early October but in the hurry of getting another high tunnel built this year and all the other chores I have around the farm, the big high tunnel wasn’t completely planted before cold weather set in.  I’m experimenting to see if everything doesn’t need to be planted at the same time.  So far I’ve planted endive, yellow and scarlet mustard, braising mix, assorted varieties of lettuce, sorrel, and kale.  The first test plot was planted about 3 weeks ago and I’ve harvested a few greens from them.  Today I planted another 5 flats of seedlings and we’ll see how they do.   True, things do grow slower this time of year, but they do still grow!  I say hopefully next year I’ll have time to get everything in earlier 🙂

Okay, now scroll back up to the first pictures.  The kittens follow me into the high tunnels and catch and eat grasshoppers!  I don’t know how to reward a cat, but I make a big deal when they catch one.

(2nd pic) Hattie the Catahoula dug in that bed for hours–then she came up with a mouse!  I was so proud–that’s one I won’t have to deal with 🙂  Notice one of the Happy Hens had made her way up to the bed…..see next pic….

The chickens were in their pen and I was in the back garden spreading leaves.  This garden is really close to their pen, and they were following me up and down the fence.  I got to thinking–hmmm what is there to keep them in the pen?  Just a fence–no gardens to scratch up and destroy, so I let them loose.  They had a ball!  I think I’ll let them out again tomorrow…it’s supposed to be pretty here again (yay).

Until next time…..

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