New Year, New Season

Time just keeps marching on–well, it seems more like jogging nowadays.  It’s really hard to believe it’s time to be starting some of the seedlings for this next season in just a COUPLE OF WEEKS!

One of the things most exciting about gardening for a living is looking forward to next season.  Each year notes are made all summer long about what worked, what didn’t, which areas of the garden grew certain crops and so on.   The next year all those notes are checked and re-checked and guess what?  Mother Nature changes the rules!!!!  Keeps us on our toes and gives us something to talk about at the market.

Plans are to fence in several of the gardens this year to keep deer out once and for all because the resident Catahoula Hattie doesn’t get much sleep at night from having to bark at them so much 🙂

The 2014 season will be the 7th season for the CSA.  There will be 20 shares available; 10 for the Fairfield Glade Wednesday delivery, 5 for the Friday farm pickup and 5 for the Knoxville Sunday delivery.  If you’ve been thinking about joining the farm you better do it quickly because after “the first of the year” is when it fills up each year.   I do attend the Wednesday Farmer’s Market at Fairfield Glade, but the CSA members get first choice and I don’t grow everything for market that is grown for the members.

Why join the CSA?  Well, if you’re one to procrastinate and don’t make it to the market, you’ll not have fresh, organically grown produce to fuel your body with.  The members are really good about sharing recipes that they’ve tried and I’ll pass them along during the season as well as share recipes that I find to share.  There are always a few veggies that are grown that are hopefully something new and I will share how to prepare them with the members as well.

Belonging to a CSA assures you that you will have fresh, organic produce each week to prepare food that our bodies are meant to consume rather than the processed, sugar-infused crap we find lining the grocery store shelves.  Oops, sorry for that little jump onto my soapbox (but it’s true).  Oh, I’m not free of guilt–I love crackers with my soup and chili and I’m a self-proclaimed chocoholic BUT I do eat lots of veggies from the farm gardens.

Being a CSA member is almost like having your own garden but you don’t have to worry with the pests, drought, weeds, and back-breaking work—that’s the farmer’s job!

This year’s prices are $520 for Fairfield Glade and farm pickup full share ($310 for half share) and $620 for Sunday Knoxville delivery ($360 for half share), and the season runs for 20 weeks from early May to September.  For share sizes and more details check out the “join the csa” on the farm website (

Do you know your farmer?   You should.


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