Life, death, and the pursuit of happiness

I know the title of this is a conglomeration of two sayings, but somehow they fit together right now.  This winter has been hard.  Not just the weather, but the illness that struck my mom and her subsequent passing just before Christmas….well, it will be a Winter Solstice I will always remember.  I know lots of folks my age (Baby Boomers we are) are having to let go of their parents and it’s hard, no matter how you rationalize it in your mind.  When someone close to you suddenly is gone, it changes your world….irrevocably.

So does the birth of a child.  My youngest son is now the proud father of a baby boy, Garrett, this evening.   One life goes and another arrives.  Such is the rhythm of nature; not always pleasant, but always……….nature.

We left behind are here to care for the ones just coming into this world–I only hope I can do my baby grandson Garrett justice in teaching him things that my mother taught me and that I have learned while being……here……

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