So what’s new?

I was asked the question yesterday “So what are you growing that’s new this year?”  I stumbled and stammered around with a few crops and realized that there are so many crops that are grown on the farm, I couldn’t really come up with the entire list right off the top of my head.    So many hours have been spent this winter perusing the seed catalogs and websites that by the time the seeds are ordered, the varieties don’t seem “new” anymore.  Kind of like when you work at a day job and you spend the last few months of the year worrying with the budget for the next year—by the time the new year rolls around you’re so used to using the next year’s date that it isn’t hard to switch from current year to next year…..okay enough of that.

New varieties for this year:  a few new tomatoes in addition to the large variety of heirlooms that are saved and grown from year-to-year:  Moskvich Heirloom, Valley Girl, Big Beef, and Nepal.    

Last year I grew one package of horticultural beans (beans that you shell) and they were called Tongue of Fire–very tasty.  I saved seeds from those to grow this season and I found another variety called Taylor Strain Italian Shell which will be planted this year as well.    Along with the Partridge Head beans, Haricot Verts, Roma II and Blue Lakes, we should have a good variety of beans throughout the season.

Sweet Granite won the selection for a new melon to grow this year, and “Winner” Kohlrabi was the winner in the kohlrabi category 🙂

An amazing variety of lettuces have been selected to provide greens throughout most of the season.  These include Mottistone, Tropicana, Summertime, Reine Des Glaces, Dark Red Lollo Rossa, Panisse, Allstar Gourmet Mix, Cherokee, Red Rosie…….. in addition to the greens that are grown to be added to the lettuce mixes…..YUM! I can hardly wait.

Kale seeds have been hard to get this year, with several seed crop failures and sold outs–a combination of “last year was a crappy growing year everywhere in the US” plus the amount of press coverage kale received last year about how healthy it is.  A variety called “Afro” caught my eye, as it has the frilly leaves that are fun to eat (yes, I said fun to eat).    I’ll probably grow another variety or two in addition to this, IF I can find more seed.

All the seeds that I order online  have been ordered.  I buy all the seed that I can from local sources, and my favorite is the Crossville Garden Center.  They are building a new building this year and it looks AWESOME!  I can’t wait until they open……..

I’m so tired of being cold………


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