
I’m sure that some of you have heard this term by now.  In a nutshell, it’s recycling, reducing waste, organic gardening, and being frugal.  Pretty much the way our grandparents lived and the way we should be living.  That’s the concept I’ve been living by here on the farm, and I’ve been encouraging others to live this way as well.

We all need to know more about life and how everything is intertwined.  The more we know, the better off we’ll be, because the more we know, the more we will want to be in tune with nature.  The more in tune with nature that we are, the better off everyone will be.

The other day I received an e-mail from a permaculture site that I subscribe to and I’ve listened to this song–oh maybe 75 times in the last two weeks!  It’s my new favorite song.  It’s really good….listen…and the video that goes with it is pretty good too, but I REALLY love the song.  Hope you enjoy it too!



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