Oh my gosh, I am so excited to have Maize seeds!!!!!!

I went to visit a friend today and he said he had some “maize” seeds that he had been meaning to give me but just hadn’t remembered until today……I thought maize was just corn–well maybe colored corn, tasteless corn….Indian corn.

I had no idea that it was a “precursor” for lack of a better term–to our modern day corn.  I don’t even consider GMO crap modern day corn.  Look at these pictures and you’ll understand my excitement!

maize1webHe gave me a small garbage bag full of assorted ears of corn and they varied from the normal Indian corn to an unrecognizable ear of corn-like grains of wheat on a cob with purple husks and dark silks…..oooohhh!!!  I had no idea this was what the original maize was like.

maize2webIsn’t that the coolest thing!  I bet the native Indians were excited to get corn that didn’t have husks around each kernel 🙂

maize3webSee that little red corn seed on the lower ear of corn?  That is what is inside of each of those wheat-looking kernels on the ears.  I picked it out of an ear and put it on that ear to get it in the picture.

I hope they will germinate, cause I’m gonna have some serious FUN growing these babies!

BTW I’ve Googled it and can’t find much info…..if you know more, please share!




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