Is it FINALLY spring?

Although I’ve tested the limits of gardening by planting in the high tunnels and under cover, snow flakes have fallen on my efforts and the seeds have begun to germinate!  I’m not cheering yet, but it seems as though the “outdoor” crops are on a roll.  Just last week we had snow flurries for a full day.  Now, the last couple of days, have been near 80.

Being a farmer is kind of like working for a woman who’s going through menopause…..okay one day and very messed up the next!  Just go with the flow……

This morning began with thunderstorms.  The storms were predicted to be really fierce here on the Cumberland Plateau, but for some reason we escaped the “fierceness” factor.  Fine with me.

The dogs, cats, and I took a walk this afternoon just to see what’s going on around the farm.  I took a few pics…..

daffodilsfromnannys2014.webJPGThis  patch of daffodils I got from my Nanny’s house in Newport many years ago and have moved it 4 times until here….I hope their final place to multiply.  She had a hillside full of them that she planted at her house.   They make me smile and think of her.  She’s my horticultural inspiration.

mushroomlogsAnother item in the woods are the logs that I’ve innoculated with shiitake and maitake mushroom spawn.   I hope they’ve survived the brutal winter we had and will produce lots of yummy mushrooms in a few months.

pachysandra4.4.14webSome of the spring flowers have started to bloom, and I was amazed that the pachysandra waited so long to bloom.  Here it is among a field of trout lily leaves.  Here’s a trout lily just beginning to bloom:

troutlily.webToothwort is coming out….always one of the first to bloom

toothwortwebAlong with Virginia Bluebells, one of my favorites:

bluebells4.4.14webI’m still amazed every spring because the hillside behind the house is literally covered with bluebells!  Gorgeous sight to behold.

One thing that happened a couple of weeks ago was a little disturbing.  I noticed a different spot on the bluff behind the house.  It sort of caught my eye one day as something that was different….

rockfall1webSee the light brown color at the top of the bluff, kind of in the middle?  Well, that color was new.  I walked over to see what had happened, and I found this…

therockthatfellwebA rock on the ground, right where I used to stand at the really cool creek that runs in and out of the bluff behind the house.  WOW, it was big!  About 4 feet around.  I looked at where it hit the ground and there was quite a hole there, along with a bunch of rocky debris…

wheretherockhitIt doesn’t look like much from the pics, but it sure made me feel small and very careful about walking around bluffs.  You just never know when nature’s going to rearrange her house!

Happy Spring, Y’all!










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