My new favorite snack

snacksinpanWho doesn’t need a snack during the day to tide the stomach over until time for the next meal.  I’m not talking unhealthy snacks like potato chips, cookies, or such–this snack is simply AWESOME and healthy, too!   Oh, did I mention addictive as well?

As a self-proclaimed chocoholic (thanks, Dad) for years it was all about milk chocolate and the occasional white chocolate.  Since weaning myself from white sugar I discovered that milk chocolate has a LOT of sugar in it and there’s no such thing as white chocolate–it’s really just a yummy mix of sugar and fats that’s white so it’s called white chocolate instead of sugar and fat…….

The recipe I’m gonna share with you is called:

Mini Peanut Butter Chocolate Oatmeal Cups (makes 24)

Hang on to your spoon, here goes!

2 cups old fashioned rolled oats
3 oz dark chocolate
1 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup honey
1/2 cup chopped dates, raisins, or dried cranberries
1 Tablespoon chia seeds

Melt the chocolate–add the peanut butter and honey and mix well.  Stir in the oats, dried fruit of choice and chia seeds.  Mix well and press into a small muffin tin that has been sprayed with veg oil.  Put them in the fridge for about 30 minutes until they are set.  You can take the tip of a sharp knife and work them out of the cups and they pop right out.  The original recipe calls for paper liners but they are really a hassle–in my opinion, anyway.


These need to be kept in a covered bowl or bag in the refrigerator.

During the day (or night) when I get a craving for something sweet, I just reach in the fridge and grab one.  I haven’t calculated the calories as of yet, but made with dates they have 7g of sugar each, and NO processed sugar.

Update:  I’ve been making them with raisins and they are less sweet.  Also started making my own peanut butter so even less sugar doing that!!

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