Out with the old, in with the new (rooster, that is)

Chickens became part of the Wild Things menagerie back in 2009.  The flock started with 6 Red Stars that were supposed to be all pullets.  I bought them from a backyard chicken momma and she was “sexing” them by their color–now I realize that was a waste of time.  I ended up with 3 pullets and 3 roosters.  Fast forward, ended up with one rooster, and I named him “Mr. Rooster Sir”.  He was a beautiful, polite, rooster, who really watched out for the girls.  A rooster isn’t required for a flock of hens to lay eggs, but I personally think they are more content with a rooster around.    Sure, some of the eggs are fertilized, but that doesn’t hurt a thing.

A month or so ago I had let the girls out to roam around the yard since there isn’t anything growing in the gardens right now, and that evening, Mr. Rooster Sir didn’t come back.  I never found a feather or any sign of what happened–

Back in September I got 25 Barred Rock pullets and 5 Amerecauna pullets.  They’ve been growing like crazy and have all survived so far.  Note:  a pullet is an immature hen—back to the regularly scheduled program:

The morning after I discovered Mr. Rooster Sir was gone I was at the chicken house feeding and watering and I heard a strange garbledy noise coming from inside the house–could it be?  One of the pullets was crowing?  (lol)

A few weeks later and it is confirmed–one of the pullets can crow!  Oh, I guess that means “she” won’t be laying eggs.  That’s okay because I really like hearing a rooster crow in the morning, although right now he sounds more like a tire squealing on pavement.  The worst thing is that it’s one of the Amerecaunas; they lay green/blue eggs.  I like to keep enough of them to be able to put one green/blue egg in each carton.  Now that means that there are only 4 Amerecauna pullets to fulfill that duty.

He’s a handsome thing–he has awful big shoes to fill though.  Now for a name–Firestone, Michelin, Cooper (oh no, I had a dog named Cooper)



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