He has a name!

In a recent post I shared the news that Mr. Rooster Sir had moved on to wherever roosters go when they don’t come back to their roost at night.  The chicken coop on the farm is divided into two sections so when there is a group of young birds they can be separated from the older hens (they are really mean to the younger birds).

A couple of days after Mr. Rooster Sir’s disappearance I heard one of the “pullets” practicing crowing (a pullet is a young hen).  So, once I confirmed which pullet was actually a rooster, it turned out to be an Ameracauna–one of the hens who lays green eggs.

He’s really pretty….


I don’t normally name chickens with the exception of Lucille….


She was one of my incubation experiments.  I borrowed an incubator from a friend and she couldn’t/wouldn’t eat after she hatched and the other girls were pecking her.  I separated her from the others and fed her with a syringe for a week or so and she recovered.  I named her “Lucky” since I didn’t know if she was a she or a he, but once she started laying eggs, I renamed her “Lucille”.

I took Lucille with me to my parents’ house one weekend and my Mom made me promise to never “get rid” of Lucille, so she has a life-long pass to live.  She’s also easy to identify because she has white “earrings”.

Anyway, back to the rooster story.  After thinking and pondering on the subject of a name for the very-important patriarch of the flock, I came up with the name “Mr. Green Genes”–get it?  Green eggs, genes……..lol!


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