Junk Journaling Workshops to be held at the Farm

I’m a collector of things; rocks, fabric, buttons, old tools and hardware, and I save remembrances from past events such as concerts, programs, tickets, bulletins, advertisements, greeting cards, school work, photographs, etc.

A while back I was introduced to what is called “Junk Journaling”.  This is a process whereby you use all the above-mentioned sorts of ephemera and combine it with printed papers, cardstock, and other things into an attractive, handmade book…..

They can have blank pages in them for actually writing things, like when seeds are planted, bees are worked, chicken-y information OR things like vacations, “baby” books, weddings, or daily things.  They are absolutely delightful and can be embellished as elaborately as you want.

I recently did a talk to a local garden club and took a couple of journals with me.  Several folks asked for a workshop, so here we go! There are two workshops scheduled in May; the first one is on Tuesday, May 5 from 1-3 and the other one is on Saturday, May 9 from 1-3.  Items provided will be scrapbook papers, a binder, glue, punches, stamps and ink, decorative-cutting scissors, and instructions.  What you need to bring will be memorabilia that you’ve collected that will make the book your own individual creation.

The cost of the class is $20 and classes are limited to 8 participants, each, so if this sounds like something you’d be interested in, e-mail the farm and let me know you’d like to register and I’ll send information back to you.FullSizeRender

Here is a Gardening Journal I made for myself.  It’s separated into sections for veggies, herbs, bees, chickens, and mushrooms.

Both of my parents have recently passed away so I’ve taken the boxes (and boxes) and bags of photos, every greeting card that four daughters gave them through the years, and other “stuff” and am making each of my sisters a journal using bits and pieces from our past.



My oldest son just turned 30 and I made a “Life Book” for him using school pages from elementary school as the actual pages in the book then adding photographs and memorabilia that I had collected through the years.

So, if this sounds like fun to you, bring your “junk” and let’s journal!



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