Ahhhh spring!

It seems like every winter is a bad winter.  I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting older or if winter really is getting colder.  A lot of it could be the fact that my occupation is totally dependent on the weather and I notice it a lot more than I used to.

I love taking walks in the woods this time of year, before the trees leaf out, to soak in the beauty of the spring ephemerals and fret over where to step in order to avoid smashing a pretty flower.

A brief walk behind the house in between rain showers shows that yet again, the spring lovelies have popped up to greet me:


I didn’t realize just how much blue cohosh there is behind the house, but there are enormous patches of this plant!



Happy columbine balances on a bluff rock awaiting the hummingbirds’ arrival…..



Foamflower lightens up the woods with beautiful foamy blooms.


Yellow trillium grows like weeds on the property across the canal.  Its blooms smell like lemon Joy!


Jack in the Pulpit is such an interesting plant.  After the flower fades a cluster of bright red berries will appear.

bluebells4and the Virginia Bluebells continue to bloom……



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