When I’m not hoeing around

Running a CSA/market farm operation takes a lot of time and energy, but that’s definitely not all that goes on around the place.  I’ve taken you on a tour of the inside of my washing machine before, when I had to replace the door switch a while back.

“Clean your pockets out before your clothes go in the hamper!”  I preached that to the kids for years and washdays were pretty uneventful.  A few days ago I had a load of clothes in the washer and it wouldn’t drain.  Not a bit.  Just a humming sound.  Bummer.

I thought for sure the drain pump had decided to crap out on me so I’ve been procrastinating, that is until I ran out of clean socks.  So tonight’s the night.  I fired up You Tube and located the drain pump and decided (hoping anyway) that it just might be something clogging the pump…….

YAY!!!!!  It was a nail


The nail had just slid in there far enough to keep the pump from spinning.  I also found 4 quarters and a straight pin.


The moral of the story is….well, if any of my stories have morals to them, to always check your pockets before washing your clothes and if something is broken, check YouTube!

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