Tag Archives: csa

Who cooks for you, who cooks for you-all?

That’s the song I’m listening to as I relax after the first delivery of the season.  All went well; there were several cool weather crops ready for harvest; spinach, bibb lettuce, gourmet salad mix, radishes, beet greens, some swiss chard, and a little arugula. 

The critter singing the song is a Barred Owl.  I don’t hear them often where I live, but this one was singing his way around the mountain behind me.  I love music, but I love hearing wildlife sing it best and its a perfect way to end a very busy day 🙂

Open Farm Day

Last Saturday was Open Farm for new members of Wild Things’ CSA.  Many of the new members, as well as returning members, enjoyed the sunshine and wandering around the farm.  Oliver the cat got in on the action….

Whitt the horse enjoyed a facial massage as well!

 The weather cooperated beautifully and everyone got to see the farm and meet their farmer.

Several members brought gifts……..

And others preferred to check out the farm equipment

All in all it was a wonderful day of meeting, greeting, and fellowship at Wild Things.

Its all in the details…….


While sitting in the house (eating a bite of lunch)  a couple of days ago, I was looking out the window and sort of daydreaming.  It’s nice being able to relax a little compared to the fast approaching busy growing season.  The scene above is what I was looking at; it’s the big hill behind my house.  While studying the woods for signs of life, I sure spotted a face……

If you’ll look at the first picture real close you’ll see him just about in the center of the picture……I’ll call him “old man winter” and I hope he melts away soon!

By the way, the CSA memberships are going fast!  It’s about 70% filled up, so if you’ve been thinking about joining, better hurry!