Tag Archives: flea market finds

Foxfire, flea-markets, and yard sales

Back in October I ventured off the farm again, but this time I had a friend with me.  We went to Black Rock Mountain Campground in Mountain City, Georgia.  The weather was a little unseasonably cool, like a really cold snap in the middle of an otherwise awesomely warm and sunny Autumn in the southeast.

Tent camping……35 degrees……we did great!  We toured Tallulah Falls, which was awesome!  There are several hikes around the gorge with some of them going down into the gorge by way of steps.  The map even has the number of steps indicated–347 steps one way–we opted for the less aerobic version of the tour around the top of the rim and we saw all we needed to see, thank you very much!  Our aerobic exercise was saved for the rigors of camping and flea marketing–i.e. scrounging firewood, walking great distances to restroom/showers and in search of the best deal of the day.


What would normally be a 2-1/2 to 3 hour drive to north Georgia took us 8 hours–yes 8 hours to accomplish!  We stopped at lots of yard sales and we both came home with a car load of goodies.  The Subaru veggie wagon was already busting at the seams with camping gear, but when we started hitting good yard sales we got very creative with our packing.  Here are a few photos of some of the goodies I came across–


At one yard sale (where all the socks were) the lady told us a very interesting story about when she was an infant in East Germany.  She had a tumor behind her ear when she was 9 months old and her mother took her to the hospital to have it treated/removed.  After the surgery the wound was draining and her mother could see that she wasn’t getting proper care so she hid her baby underneath her cloak and smuggled her out of the hospital.  She said that if her mother had gotten caught that they both would have been killed immediately.

The next day that hospital was bombed and everyone in there perished.  Her mother is now 99 years old and lives with her.  She no longer knows who she is or where she is, but she is being cared for by a loved one.  That was a very intense, touching story that we wouldn’t have experienced if we weren’t taking our time and enjoying the ride.

The trip home was uneventful (yay for that!), on Sunday, and we opted for the scenic route home through the mountains.  Gorgeous scenery, close friend, no car trouble–what more could one ask for?  It’s always good to get back home though.


I’ll report on our trip to Foxfire Village in a future post.