Tag Archives: high tunnels

What’s the buzz?


These past few weeks have been simply awesome fall weather……bright sunny days and not-too-cold nights.  It’s been dry, dry, dry, though and couple that with late October, and there’s nothing for the bees to do outside!  I see them everywhere looking for something to carry back to the hive.  I think that the girls appointed one bee to follow me around the other day and just buzz me.  It almost seemed like she was saying “I’M BORED”!  So, I started thinking like a bee…..they like sugar syrup….so voila!  I poured a little syrup on 4 plates and scattered them around the yard.


Happy bees!

There’s a cold front moving into the area soon so I dragged out the frost blankets for the late season greens that are outside in the garden…..


Although the high tunnels have the same crops; lettuce, spinach, chard, kale, mixed greens–they have a ways to go until ready for harvest, so maybe I can stretch the outside season just a little.  I always have problems keeping the covers on the hoops when the wind blows, but maybe I can put enough rocks on the edges to hold them down for a few weeks.  When the weather gets really cold, the covers will be moved into the high tunnels for extra protection during freezing weather.


One of the projects I’ve been picking away at during the summer is to build a fire pit in the front yard.  I detest grass and would rather watch paint dry as to mow, so I figured this would be a creative way to wipe out a good-sized area.  I’m waiting for a good deal on a load of attractive tan/brownish color gravel to  cover  the landscape fabric!
