Tag Archives: snakes

Rescue in the high tunnel

One of the projects on my priority list is to get the large high tunnel plastic installed within the next couple of weeks so I can get the transplants planted for the winter crops.  I’ve been going down the sides with longer screws into the wiggle wire channel so it won’t pull off like it did last time when the screws from the factory WERE TOO SHORT!  That still bugs me, I’m sorry.

Anyway, I was tooling along the side of the tunnel which has plastic mesh netting to keep rabbits and deer out when the sides are up, and I came upon a snake hung in the plastic netting.  Now this isn’t the first one that I’ve found hung in the netting, and sad to say, they are usually dead by the time I see them.  I figured this one was dead too.

I touched it and it raised its head and looked at me and did the tongue thing that snakes do.  Ahhhhh!  Ohhhhh!

I was glad it was alive but that meant that I had to cut it loose.  So, I made a trip to the shop to get scissors and came back to cut it loose.  There was enough of its head and body loose that it could strike at me and boy was it striking.  I could not grab it behind the head so I had to go get my garbage-picker-upper-grabber-thingee and wrap a plastic bag around one side of it to make it snug enough to secure the business end of the snake whilst I freed the body from its plastic snare.

After about 10 minutes or so it was free.  I moved it away from the high tunnel, and it moved a few feet away from me and stopped for a moment, raised its head and looked at me and did the tongue thing again.  Maybe that’s snake for “thanks”!  Maybe not.

Never know what’s gonna happen around here from day to day!  I do need to change out the netting to chicken wire though–don’t wanna keep catching snakes in there.